Weight loss class in English in Lausanne ??

Hi all,

I had my baby in February and now is the time to start losing this weight - as I got the "all clear" from my 6 week checkup.
Does anyone know if there is a weight loss class in English in Lausanne or close by, that I could attend ?
I could do it in French (there is a Weight Watchers class 2 mins walk from where we live) but I feel I would not get the motivation from the other participants which is what helps to make such a diet successful.

Thanks all :)

I would tell you about weight watchers but you kewn it already. I know WW does individual meeting in other language but if you have english you will be alone so no other motivation...

In Vevey, they are a lot of no-french people (canadian,itialian,..), they taught in french while meeting but after you can pearhaps taught with them...

1.07.2006: arrêt pilule
Cycle irrégulier (26-68j)
2.1.08 : FC, 5SA
1.4.08: FC, 6SA
Syndrome des ovaires poli kystiques confirmé
12.2008 : CPMA
13.2.2009 : IMG 13SA car bébé atteint de trisomie 18

Lilypie 1er anniversaire Ticker

Après 4 ans d'essais, la perte de 6 Bibous,
Bout'Chou est né, le 29 décembre 2010, à 13h52, 4085 gr et 49.5 cm
Après 7 mois d essais et sans traitement,
Yoda est né le 19 jullet 2013, a 11h05, 3980 gr et 51 cm

Aux Coeurs Croisés : Monitrice de portage (écharpe, mei tai et préformé) et conseillère en couches lavables