what do your babies wear at night?

My little man is 16 months old now and with this hot hot weather, I am unsure of what to put on him at night because it is still hot during the night but he is young and I want to be sure.
At the moment, I am putting a body and a ight pyjama that has short-sleeves and the legs are short too.

What do you do ?

Thanks :)

My older son is 3,5 years old and he is wearing a summer pyjama = short + T-Shirt (like you short sleeves and short legs) and I removed the duvet from his bed because he was always putting it on him so he was swetting like hell !

My baby is 4 month old and I just put him to bed with his body. Nothing else.

For your little one, I would either put the pody or the light pyjama but not the 2 together.

In fact, except for litlle babies less than 1 month old, children should always wear the same way we do regarding to heat or cold weather.
They do not need to have more than us.

Sorry my english is not perfect, I hope that you understand what I meant.

Good night...


Lilypie 1er anniversaire Ticker

Lilypie 4ème anniversaire Ticker

Lilypie 1er anniversaire Ticker

Lilypie 4ème anniversaire Ticker

en français ça veut dire quoi?.....purée si toutes les personnes de bebe.ch commencent à parler dans leurs langues!!

c'est sous internationnal elle fait ce qu'elle veut et je pense que ça sert aussi à ça cette rubrique .

Bises, Vanessa

Bises, Vanessa

Tres agréable ta remarque lilli55..c'est le forum international..il me semble que l'on peut imaginer ne pas se sentir suffisamment comfortable en francais et écrire en anglais! ...Tres tres accueillant bravo !:(

ouf je suis pas la seule à penser ça

Bises, Vanessa

Bises, Vanessa

Siobhan..when that's so hot at night ..just a bodysuit or a diaper in the sleeping bag should be fine..
Vanessa..hé he..en tant qu'expat on se tient les coudes hein..bises de ta cop's de Boston :))

Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions.

Carouille, your English is perfect :))
It's very useful to have this international forum so those of us who's French is their second language (like me), can express themselves better in their own language.